
Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
We talk to Lauren Wellbank about her Huffington Post Article, I Went Back To My Abuser After A Week. :This Is Why Its So Hard To Get Out For Good. Lauren talks openly about her relationship with her abuser. They were friends first, then they fell in love with each other. Hear how it went from a smack in the face while in a car, to being strangled. Prior to leaving him, no one knew she was being abused which is not unusual. You want to protect the abuser because you love them, its gonna get better, it'll never happen again. There is also the embarrassment of people knowing you stay with your abuser. It could never happen to someone like her, or you. Yes it could. After 7 days of his pleading and promises she went back to him. It was all Daisys and rainbows for a while, then boom. She was lucky to get out. She never went back. She told us the average number of times it takes a woman to get out of a relationship...7 times. Did she get a restraining order. The answer to this question was not what we expected. Give a listen. Lots to learn and beware of men who want to cut you off from friends and families, criticize what you wear because he thinks its too sexy and is all around controlling.
Thanks so much to Lauren for coming onto the show. We want to thank her for her honesty. Lauren is now writing a book about her experience.
We most of all want to thank our listeners. You are the best.
Grace and Michelle
As a P.S. I want to apologize for cutting into Michelles question (you can't miss it) She never said anything about it so I am. Bad Grace!! Truly I'm not a Brunhilda. My other podcast I'm the only host so I must remember My Belle is there.
Laurens article.
Please follow and like our facebook page
you can also hear us on iTunes, Spotify, youtube, I heart radio, player FM, listennotes, Spreaker and pretty much wherever podcasts are posted.
she has adorable tee shirts she's selling. Check them out. I love mine!
You can also get them on amazon
Please follow and like my facebook page
I'm on iTunes, pod bean, Spotify, youtube, player FM Listen notes, Spreaker and anywhere they post podcasts.

Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Michelle and I are true crime buffs. I started watching The Act on Hulu. Loved it, I had also seen the HBO documentary. I told Michelle about it and she watched the documentary. This is a very sad and bizarre case. Michelle says Gypsy scares her. I say he needs tons of mental health counseling when she's released from prison. Gypsy has now lived in two controlled environments. How will she deal with it without counseling. Gypsy is also engaged and plans to be married and have children when she is released into her knight in Shining Armor's arms. Was there a way out for Gypsy besides murdering the crazy Dee Dee??
Michelle after watching Gypsy documentary then watched There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane. Thats another heartbreaking documentary. If you don't know about that case be prepared for anger and tears. Grab a cup of coffee or wine and join us for a listen.
Thanks to our listeners. You are the best!!
Grace and Michelle.
you can find us on Spotify, you tube, I heart radio, iTunes and most places that stream podcasts.
please follow and like our facebook page
She also has an adorable line of tee shirts. You can find them on her site and on amazon.com/ponderingnook
please follow and like my facebook page. I post tons of pictures and tidbits on classic Hollywood
Its also on iTunes, podbean, Spotify, youtube, and any place that hosts podcasts

Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
I talk to John William Law about his book The Moviestar and The Mobster:Lana Turner, Johnny Stompanato, And Murder In The Pink Bedroom. I find this case fascinating and think if its not Hollywoods biggest scandal it' s in the top 5. We discuss Lanas lurid affair with one of Mickey Cohen's low level hoods, Johnny Stompanato. He wooed Lana with flowers and phone calls until she finally agreed to meet him. I'm sure she rued the day. After the meeting they were a couple. After a while Lana found out John Steele was really Johnny Stompanato. She got through that, but did not want Johnny seen as her paramour. She thought people would think he was her paid escort. Johnny would lavish Lana with jewelry and other gifts. He of course used her money to pay for them. Such a romantic guy. They had a tempestuous affair. Lots of yelling, physical brutality and then passionate makeup sex. Lana loved the sense of danger. Lana flew to England to make a movie with Sean Connery and the gossip rags insinuated that Sean and Lana were more then costars, enraging Johnny. I heard he flew out there without Lanas knowledge, but actually Lana paid for his ticket. He stayed in her little cottage then made his way to the set with gun in hand threatening Sean Connery. The English police kicked him out of the country. When Lana got home they went on a trip to Mexico. The nail in Johnnys coffin was when Lana got nominated for best actress for her role in Peyton Place. Her escort was not to be Johnny, they were her daughter Cheryl and Lanas mom. Johnny steamed. They stayed late and went to after partys. The end of this saga is told and its a doozy.
Want to thank John William Law for doing the podcast. You were so great!!
Mostly I want to thank the listeners. Lots of great shows coming up. As a P.S. John has generously offered 4 books as a give a way. The first four people to PM me on my facebook site
www.facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown will be sent his signed book. Its a great read.
I'm also on Spotify, youtube, podbean, I heart radio, Spreaker, listen notes and player FM.

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
We talk to Stavroula Toska about what its like to be a dominatrix. Stavroula thought she'd stay for two weeks and do a documentary, two weeks turned into almost five years. She tells us the in's and outs, why they ask for shoe sizes in applications, what's a brown shower, figure it out, yuck. We find out what kind of women worked as dominatrix and what was the clientele like. I think you'll be surprised, or maybe not. Stavroula was very honest and open. You will learn about the dominatrix life. Stavroula has a TV show called Switch that she, stars in, along with academy award winner Olympia Dukakis and Cady McClain. It is a depiction of the life of dominatrixes and their ups and downs. Why does it hurt so good?? PS to Stavroula, even us 82 year old broads can be dominatrixs too.. ; )
Thanks to Stavroula for being a great guest.
Thanks mostly to the audience for giving ua a listen..
Grace and Michelle
All things Stavroula
- link to our trailer HERE
- link to the HuffPost story HERE
- link to the series' site HERE
Read My Story on HuffPost
Watch the multi-award-winning series SWITCH here.
Created by Stavroula Toska ~ Based On A True Story
IMDB ~ Linkedin ~ Film Fatales
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video OFFICIAL TRAILER for SWITCH the Series, Season 1
we are on iTunes, Spotify, podbean, Spreaker, radiofm, I heart radio and youtube.
you can check out Michelles line of cute tee shirts as well.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
I had such a good time talking to Author April Vevea about Jayne Mansfield and her photo book about Jayne, Puffblicity. Jayne was a trip. She was certainly unique. Part 1 Covers her early life and her quest to become the bombshell with the mostest. We talk her never ending quest for puffblicity, meeting Mickey Hargitay and stealing him from Mae West. I found out she really said divoon and was she really poor in her unfurnished pink palace and so much more..Part two gets into the sixties and Jaynes sad decline and eventual death.
Thanks so much to April. She was a lot of fun.
Mostly thanks to the listeners. I hope you enjoy learning about Jayne as much as I
Her book
Please check out and follow my facebook page. I post tidbits on Classic Hollywood and lots of pictures.
I'm on Pinterest as well as True Stories of tinseltown.
You can listen to podcast on iTunes, podbean, Spotify, I heart radio, you tube and other apps I don't even know about.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Part 2 of my talk with Jayne Mansfield Biographer April Vevea...It's Divoon...
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
It's part 2 of my chat with April Vevea about her book Puffblicity and Jayne Mansfield.
This episode deals with the late 50's until her death in 1967 at the age of 34. We talk Jaynes divorce from Mickey Hargitay., her second brief marriage, her horrible meeting with The Beatles, her starring in film and doing nude scenes. I never knew Jaynes playboy spread was the highest selling playboy to this day. The mid sixties are trying times for Jayne as she takes up drinking. She finally goes to small dinner clubs and after one of her shows, she and her posse head to New Orleans, but never make it after the car crashes into a truck and literally goes under it. April fills us in on the truth about her death, was she or wasn't she a Satanist and the final battle of the husbands. Very interesting stuff. Her follow up to Puffblicity covering the sixties will be out very soon.
Again, Thank you to April for coming on the show and being so great.
Mostly thanks to the listeners. I have some great guests coming up.
come on over and follow my facebook page. I post a lot of great pics and some tidbits on tinseltown.
I'm starting new instagram account and will let you know when its there.
Also have a pinterest board True Stories Of Tinseltown.
You can hear this on iTunes, podbean, Spotify, I heart radio and you tube.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
ts just the broads and we dish on R.Kelly interview with Gayle King. We both thought Gayle was cool as a cucumber and channeling Oprah. We talk Luke Perry's untimely death at age 52. WE discuss horrible monster/manster Chris Watts and his freshly released interview with the cops and the new revelation that his daughter witnessed the murder of her sister and asked "You aren't going to do that to me Daddy? Then "NO DADDY." We wonder what is wrong with these hundreds of freakazoid women that send him love notes and bikini shots. Also the weirdos that think mass murderer Ted Bundy was 'hot'. You will be happy (ha) to know Chris Watts found God. Amazing 99% do after committing heinous crimes. We also talk my docs appointment and Michelles upcoming trip to Hawaii. I'm so jealous. She will teach me to his though.
Thanks to our faithful listeners. Next week we have an amazing woman on that tells us what is was like to be a dominatrix for five years and her new web series SWITCH, based on her experiences. Gonna be a goody.
Michelle and Grace
please like and follow our facebook page
You can listen on iTunes, Spotify. I heart radio, pod bean and youtube.
Please follow and like my facebook page. I post lots of pictures and tidbits.
I also have a true stories of tinseltown pinterest page
You can hear it on iTunes, podbean, Spotify, I heart radio, YouTube and more..

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Our guest is Laura Martin and she was fab. Laura was such a good sport calling us at 10:30 pm from Thailand. We talked her website healing to happy and talked about services she provided. Laura has been through much of what her clients contact her about. Bulimia, depression, obsessive exercising, losing your period, and trigger words. It's amazing that in the eating disorder world, telling someone they look healthy, means fat. Laura helps with rewiring negative thoughts. Since she has been on this journey herself, it makes her very easy for her clients to relate to. We ask Laura why Thailand? Who are her clients and lots more. Three of us commiserate on body dysmorphia, which means seeing yourself either fatter or thinner then you are. We all see ourselves larger than we are. Unfortunately that seems the norm for women. We talk about developing bedtime routines to help with insomnia. We also talk clean eating and how to be healing to happy.
Thanks so much to Laura for calling us past her bedtime. Don't tell anyone, but she was in her feety pajamas. HA!
Most thanks to our listeners. We are so happy you tune in.
Grace and Michelle
All things Laura
You can listen to us on iTunes, Spotify, podbean, I heart radio and you tube.
we are on facebook instagram and twitter.
I'm on facebook, Pinterest and starting a new instagram account

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
I talked to Rock Hudson Biographer Mark Griffen about his new book All That Heaven Allows: Rock Hudson A Biography. His book takes us through Rocks childhood, his struggling days in L.A. to him meeting Henry Wilson, agent to a stable of pretty boys. He took on Rock and eventually, after roles as Indians and small parts Rock achieved superstardom from the Douglas Sirk film Magnificent Obsession. Rock was reunited with Jane Wyman in one of my fave Rock movies, All That Heaven Allows. Who could pass up the deliciously nasty Mona Plasch..We talk about Rocks personal life being in the closet. Confidential magazine was going to out Rock as gay so allegedly Henry Wilson gave them Rory Calhoun was a jailbird..I couldn't imagine they'd trade for that. It looks like Henry Wilson threw Tab Hunter under the bus in an article about a boys PJ party raided by the police. As Rock was nearing 30 the rags would wonder if Rock would finally settle down, or was something wrong with him. At thirty Henry Wilson arranged dating and a marriage between Rock and Henrys secretary Phyllis Gates. Phyllis claimed she had NO IDEA Rock was gay. You will find out more that Phyllis did. Matt talked all Rocks best movies, Rocks loves and how horrible it must have been for Rock to lead a double life. He had to be very trusting and careful that none of his past loves had compromising pictures or letters from him. I can't imagine what that did to him emotionally and physically. We wind our way down to Rocks TV career to Rock finding out he had the Aids virus. He had a blotch on his neck and was actually diagnosed by his dermatologist. We talk the famous Linda Evans, Rock kiss and Rocks final days. Rock was the first famous person to put a face to AIDS . Especially such a beloved one. This is broken into three parts. Matt is fabulous and my heart went out to Rock. I'm not the only person to think the book was wonderful. Universal, Rocks old studio optioned the book to be a major motion picture.
Thanks so much to Mark for being such a great guest. I learned so much more then I ever knew about Rock. He meticulously wrote this book. Lots of great contacts. It took him four years.
Mostly thanks to the audience. I so appreciate you listening.
All things Mark
please follow my facebook page. I post lots of pics and tidbits about classic Hollywood
You can find this podcast on iTunes, Spreaker , I heart radio and pod bean app. Youtube too..

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Part 2 we discuss Rock Hudson and his 60's career and life.. So much interesting stuff.
Thanks so much to Mark for being such a great guest. I learned so much more then I ever knew about Rock. He meticulously researched Rock this book. Lots of great contacts. It took him four years.
Mostly thanks to the audience. I so appreciate you listening.
All things Mark
please follow my facebook page. I post lots of pics and tidbits about classic Hollywood
You can find this podcast on iTunes, Spreaker , I heart radio and pod bean app.